ASA supports the Husky Experience to, through, and beyond the UW. ASA attracts, enrolls, and serves UW students through its Division of Enrollment Management, provides centralized support for teaching and learning across modalities, and guides strategic initiatives focused on academic and student access and success.
The ASA workplan describes near-term efforts led by ASA’s vice provost and unit leaders of:
- Center for Teaching and Learning
- Academic Technologies
- ASA Advancement
- ASA Information Services
- Strategic Initiatives and Accreditation
- Division of Enrollment Management — the Offices of Admissions, Financial Aid, the University Registrar, International Student Services, and Veterans Education Benefits.
Goals & projects for 2023-24
To do this, we need to be ever more strategic in how we manage enrollment:
- By developing strategic enrollment management plans that reflect priorities for class size and composition
- By better aligning UW program capacity with student demand, convening a group of campus leaders and data experts to explore issues of capacity, gathering data in key degree programs, and working with partners to increase capacity and shift enrollment patterns
- By enhancing enrollment management policies, processes, and technology support, making services more efficient and user-friendly, ensuring enhancements are supported by appropriate structures and staffing models, and modernizing admissions, financial aid, and international student services
- By reimagining the financial aid process given the new 2024-25 FAFSA and federal eligibility rules
- By improving communications and outreach to prospective and current students around UW admissions, financial aid, degree options, and service enhancements
- By educating prospective students and families about UW holistic admissions and enrollment trends, in partnership with UW Marketing and Communications
- By refining our marketing strategy to prospective students based on advice from external consultants
To do this, we need to support UW instructors to adopt effective teaching approaches and promote inclusive learning environments:
- By providing UW instructors with a rich array of instructional support services and opportunities to improve their teaching practice
- By lending expertise to and supporting the outcomes of provost and faculty governance-led efforts to improve instructional quality such as the Future of Teaching and Learning initiative
- By strengthening tri-campus collaboration around instructional support services so that resources and programming are designed to be tri-campus de novo
- By providing instructors with resources to support accessibility across modalities
- By streamlining instructor access to information via a unit-agnostic Teaching@UW website that hosts faculty development opportunities, resources, and support for learner-centered pedagogies
- By supporting UW instructors using instructional technologies on all three campuses with just-in-time help with digital learning tools such as Panopto, Canvas, Poll Everywhere, and Zoom
- By clearly communicating that our instructional support approach is mode agnostic, supporting in-person, online, and hybrid instruction
- By performing research to inform new developments in teaching and learning, such as benchmarking and survey work, to inform new pedagogical models and identify emerging instructional technologies that enable instructional excellence
…And provide leadership in the design, construction, operations, and accessibility of general-assignment learning spaces:
- By continually improving classroom maintenance, equipment, and security in ways that respond to evolving instructor and student needs and expectations around educational technologies and access
- By renovating select classrooms to improve technology and accessibility
- By addressing urgent classroom space issues, including the lack of coordination and shortage of available rooms and labs
- By supporting ongoing efforts to ensure learning spaces, both physical and digital, are inclusive and accessible and that new courses incorporate universal design
- By partnering in the design and implementation of informal student learning spaces, based on a better understanding of the logistical and IT requirements of these spaces
Future Directions
- Develop capacity for central support of universal design, instructional design, and instructional video production
- Create a coherent, de-siloed, and appropriately resourced instructional support model aligned to a common understanding of effective teaching to serve more UW instructors, leverage faculty development expertise better, and respond to emerging needs
- Provide thought leadership in faculty development around inclusive pedagogy — at the UW and beyond
- Develop a general assignment classroom renovation strategy, sustainable funding, and tools to support it
- Create classroom design standards and foster partnerships with Facilities and the Office of Planning & Budgeting to include those standards in new building plans
- Develop and implement practices to identify emerging IT and pedagogical trends in teaching and learning
To do this, we need to convene and partner with UW colleagues to promote academic success and alleviate barriers that impact retention, graduation, a sense of belonging, and access to curricular pathways and high-impact practices:
- By supporting partnerships that promote student academic achievement, including measuring the effectiveness of support programs to inform continual improvement
- By supporting pilots of new curricular models in partnership with schools and colleges, such as an early education associates degree, a tribal enterprise BA business degree, and an Engineering summer bridge program
- By alleviating bottlenecks in select courses by increasing access to online sections and summer quarter offerings
- By aligning Academic Strategy & Affairs fundraising with goals to attract a diverse and excellent student body, improve the student experience, and support student success at scale
- By raising $21M in annual cash from 5,500 donors in support of Academic Strategy & Affairss, the Office of Minority Affairs and Diversity, Undergraduate Academic Affairs, Student Life and Graduate School priorities that support access and student learning outcomes
- By piloting ways to improve students’ belonging and well-being in large classrooms, in partnership with the Resilience Lab
Future Directions
- Improve wayfinding and information availability for prospective and new students around finding a major, alternatives to capacity-constrained majors, and the exploration of meta-majors
- Convene central leaders to inform Husky Experience 2.0, connect the collective impact of multiple units, and design supporting fundraising framework and goals
To do this, we need to lead efforts to address priority areas identified by the provost — especially in areas that support student access and success:
- By guiding the provost’s tri-campus Future of Teaching and Learning initiative, supporting and advising the chairs, liaising with faculty governance, and responding to priority recommendations around improving instructional quality and course and program access
- By preparing for Student Information System (SIS) modernization – the UW’s next major systems replacement effort – ensuring business analysts engage in business process identification and redesign in partnership with relevant academic and central administrative units
- By supporting UW Bookstore’s implementation of Inclusive Access
…And ensure UW successfully remains accredited:
- By providing university-wide leadership on the accreditation process, updating program information, organizing site visits, constructing accreditation reports, and liaising with The Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, the UW’s accrediting body
…And partner with faculty governance groups to improve guidelines, policies, and practices to:
- Promote instructional quality, in partnership with the faculty senate and the Faculty Council on Teaching and Learning (FCTL) – developing a common understanding and leveraging assessment and reward mechanisms to promote teaching excellence
- Update academic policies (e.g., UW’s Distance Learning policy), in partnership with the faculty senate and the Faculty Council on Academic Standards (FCAS)
- Support general education governance, curricular management, and improvements in partnership with faculty senate and the Faculty Councils on Academic Standards (FCAS) and Tri-Campus Policy (FCTCP)
…And provide UW perspectives and leadership to partnerships with regional and national higher education bodies:
- By representing the UW at the Council of Presidents, the association of Washington state’s six public four-year colleges and universities — providing leadership on committees involving curricular and enrollment management and working to ensure that a comprehensive communication campaign around FAFSA changes is constructed and implemented across WA
- By leading a state-wide effort to explore residency requirements and provide better alignment of these requirements in the four-year and community and technical college sectors
- By updating and maintaining the UW’s strategy for meeting the goals of the American Talent Initiative, a Bloomberg Philanthropies-funded partnership with the Aspen Institute focused on graduating low-middle income students at the highest performing universities in the U.S.
- By contributing to the Association of Public & Land-grant Universities’ Powered by Publics effort, a collaboration of 125 universities to improve college access, advance equity, and increase college degrees awarded
- By partnering with Japan’s Waseda University on inclusive instruction in global classrooms
- By representing the UW at the Association of Pacific Rim Universities
To do this, we need to address issues identified for improvement:
- By continuing to modernize admissions and financial aid
- By continually improving classroom maintenance, equipment (workstations, furniture, and A/V, ) and security
- By working with departments and units that are building or renovating spaces to incorporate campus classroom design standards
- By streamlining the donor stewardship process to increase timeliness and consistency
- By gathering and using feedback from colleagues and peer benchmarking to inform continuous improvement efforts and organizational development
…And continually improve the tools and technologies to support our work:
- By creating a financial aid kiosk and updating the Financial Aid NetPrice Calculator that helps students estimate the cost of attending the UW
- By improving the workflow for determining student residency by implementing Slate, a CRM tool that supports the student lifecycle
- By improving IT support services to students such as the Learning Commons, Computer Vet, and the Student Technology Loan Program
- By improving IT services to support the ~1200 workstations and ~50 servers in the 20+ units ASA-IS supports, including the Office of Planning and Budgeting, the Office of Academic Personnel, Environmental Health & Safety, Health Sciences Services, Hall Health, and roughly a dozen research labs.
Future Directions
- Explore opportunities to incorporate AI in service delivery models