Dear Colleagues,
A year ago, I don’t think any of us imagined or wanted to imagine, that we would still be battling the pandemic, working remotely and dealing with professional and personal challenges. Yet, we are. Each day, I am amazed and impressed by your outstanding work, steadfast commitment, and dedication to the University and our students. Thank you for all your efforts to date and as we move towards a new normal.
This newsletter highlights just some examples of the incredible work ASA units have accomplished throughout the pandemic. The newsletter also provides information regarding the UW Climate Survey. Of the 164 possible participants from ASA, 104 responded to the survey. That’s a 63.4% response rate, compared to the overall Seattle campus response rate of 24%. ASA unit results are now available, and I’ve charged a task force to meet in the coming months to consider the findings and what they might mean for our unit going forward.
To those of you new to ASA, welcome! This year was a tough time to start a new job – remotely, no less. It’s great to see your faces and learn a bit about you in the features below.
Whether you have just joined the UW or you’ve been here for most of your career, UW students benefit from your daily contributions. Thank you.
Philip J. Reid
Vice Provost, Academic and Student Affairs
Professor of Chemistry